Hi everyone. It’s quite a nice Sunday here in Austria, and we just got the perfect news for such a nice day: we will be able to get our hands on additional 3000 Raspberry Pi 4 units a lot earlier than planned, which is absolutely amazing – considering the fact that they are out of stock literally everywhere.

This means, we are able to make another Batch that ships out starting from 1st March! Every device will be produced and sent out until End of March. Meaning, you will be able to get your hotspot in 3 to 7 weeks at latest.

We have really come a long way since we started this journey. In contrast to last year, we have almost nailed our recent shipment schedules for Batch 3 and 3B and are already moving on to Batch 3C. Also, the 3000 Raspberry Pis will arrive earlier than 1st March, but we know that unforseen things can happen, that’s why we added a buffer window, just to be sure.

Shipment will work based on order number ascending. Meaning, the earlier you order, the earlier you will get your Hotspot in March. So be quick! 🙂

Click here to go to the product order page